
Excellence Flash Message

Excellence Flash Message

Save Time, 10 minute/day

FlashMessage is a handy tool that help you rapidly copy the message to where you want to paste. It allows you quickly paste your message to the text in an e-mail, document, chat room conversation and blog from the software.

easy to paste the message
Save your time
quickly paste your message to the text in an e-mail, document, chat room conversation and blog.
Very easy and friendly interface.

System Requirements:
1. CPU: 333 Mhz Pentium II or higher
2. Memory: 32 MB RAM or higher
3. Disk Space: 10 MB free hard drive space
4. Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Ini hanya trial software, untuk mendapatkan license saya belum dapat memposting licensenya karena saya belum mencarinya.
Coming soon License Excellence Flash Message

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